First days
It has happened. I left Germany for the first time for more then just vacation. I was quite excited to leave for a new stage of life. Contrary to my expectations, the weather hasn’t been good, so far. We had one sunny day, yesterday. Besides that, only rain. And when I’m saying rain, I mean all day long.
Porto Airport Station |
After arriving at Porto Airport I took a train to the city. My first problem was that there was no stop called “main station”, so I had to ask. A nice lady helped me out. She was also heading in the direction of Coimbra to a city called Aveira.
I’ve actually bought my train ticket in Portuguese.
“Gosto comprar um bilhete para Coimbra, por favor.” But couldn’t understand what she asked me back. That’s also Lars and Lucas experience. It’s not so hard to speak, but sometimes quite hard to understand Portuguese people.
Window view |
The old quarters of Coimbra are really scenic. It’s built on a mountain. I really like those old buildings like the Universidade de Coimbra. That is exactly what Coimbra looked like in my mind.
The rest I’ve seen not so much. Lots of abandoned buildings and concrete towers.
Yard of the Universidade de Coimbra |
Besides a couple of tourists, Coimbra is basically a dead city over Eastern.
The best way to show the amount of water coming down might be the Rio Mondego carrying it all away to the sea.
The plan for the next couple of days is to go to Lisbon and find a flat. I’ve got two appointments so far. Shouldn’t be to hard to find a place to live.
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