Public transport
To get to the beach, we had to take a metro and a bus. It is not possible to go there by bike only. Somehow they have forgotten to build a pavement over the river. So you have to get at least a ferry or a bus for the takeover.
It is absolutely fine to go to Capparica when there is not that many people. Like it was on the way there. Unfortunately, everybody wanted back home at the same time. So we had to wait at the bus station for ages like this guy…
…and sometimes the buses are that full that not even one whole person can fit in anymore. (zoom to the front door)
Long story short, we had to wait. Eventually it took us double the time to get back home than there.
The really clever people from the public transport company in Lisboa had that idea to have one RFID card to pay for every trip you make. Except, you have to charge it for buses and metro, but it won’t work for the ferry, so you have to charge money on it again. Then you think, wow, you can use it for the short distant trains as well. How convenient, but no, you have to charge it again. And I haven’t tried the tram yet.
One more thing and then I’m moving on. Timetables at bus stations. Sometimes they don’t tell you when the bus will arrive, instead the tell you when it leaves the first stop. But that’s irrelevant anyways, because they are never in time. 😉
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