Winter = No exercise?

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    • fiona
      28 December 2016 at 11:08 pm
      Topical topic! This challenge has occupied me since coming back from warm Sicily to the cold and dark of northern Germany in mid-October. I managed over four weeks without exercising before I felt myself crawling up the walls and out of my skin and burst outside for a run. Instead of the regular, frequent and structured exercise I did April-September, I now take what I can get and have a random mishmash that includes: - badminton (hard to find three other willing people who are free at the same time though) - outdoor jogging (weather permitting) - cycling (to/from work) - home workouts without equipment (mainly core) - the occasional team game at the university (most recently, ultimate frisbee and a variation of handball). I will try to add swimming and table tennis once the holidays are over. As you know, my enthusiasm for team sports is unbridled, so I object to universities and sports clubs being a "last resort" :) There's nothing like the joy of playing games with others - and the peer pressure of being expected to be there next week is good motivation, too!

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