Day 2 – Zubiri
24 km (51 km) 5h
Initially I enjoyed the snow more than yesterday’s rain. However, the feeling has also held only until the snow melted into my clothes. Since I have no gloves with me (could no one expect such weather, last week it still had 20 degrees here). My alternatives for warm hands are pants pockets, until pants wet, and then hands in the long sleeve retract. I got through quite well that way
The recommendation was to take the road in snow. That I did then also the approx. half distance. At breakfast in a small Absteige I have then but still of two wine-drinking Locals hoarse information on the trail. The recommendation was very good. The trail is much more idyllic and without traffic. Arrived again as the first at the day’s destination. My knees hurt. I hope that still settles.
Today everything I walked uphill yesterday went down the other side. I started running in 0 degrees and snow. Snow is better than yesterday’s rain. But only until the snow has melted into the clothes. So far, I’m actually missing only a few waterproof gloves. Nobody could expect such weather. Last week it had still 20 degrees here. Today I made do with my pants pockets and the sleeves of my long sleeve. Comfortable, however, is something else
The recommendation was to take the road in snow. I did that for about half the distance
On good advice of two gentlemen, whom I met at breakfast halfway, I deviated from the road and followed the actual hiking trail from there. This then also felt much more like hiking
Purely from the constitution I could run in any case still further. What is holding me back at the moment are the tendons in my right knee. I hope that the pain will subside soon
Urgent purchase: poncho (since my jacket is not tight) and new laces
acunar – emboss
concho – shell
sobornar – bribe
cebada – barley
libra – pound (money)
brecha – gap, opening
lealtad – fidelity
dique – dike, dam
corramperse – to spoil, to falsify
sobornar a – to bribe, to corrupt
What is the soul?
At death, does only the body die but not the spirit?
What are signs of rebirth?
If the goal of a rebirth is to become a better person, who or what makes the specification of what is “good” and “evil”?
What I call good may well be bad in the eyes of others. Therefore the question arises whether there is a generally valid “GOOD”. Generally must be defined thereby also still. As general all my friends could be valid, everyone with whom I interact directly or indirectly, all people, all living beings and also plants and not “living”. If we include in the concept of rebirth everything previously enumerated, what is the scope of action that an animal or a stone has over a human being (and vice versa). As far as we know, the stone has no control over its “being” and acting. It is driven solely by external factors, such as wind, eruption, etc
luchar – to fight
el umbral – the threshold
hundimiento – downfall, collapse, collapse
herencia – inheritance, legacy
rechazar – to reject, to refuse, to deny
sangriento – bloody, cruel
guantes – gloves
venda – bandage
jactarse, presumir – to boast, to brag
huella – imprint, trace
desplomarse – to upset, to collapse, to break down
espada – sword, rapier
vencido – defeated, beaten
someter – to subdue
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