Day 22 – Triacastela
33 km (631) 8h
Turns out I ran into some really interesting German guys the night before. I still had a lot of fun and deep conversations with all three of them throughout the day. In the morning I walked up the mountain alone, because I was the only one who did without breakfast. I only let the hostel father give me some fruit. I had again a gorgeous sunrise to a really beautiful climb, through small villages, meadows and overgrown forests. On this day I had weather-wise really everything, from sun, with clear skies, to snow and rain and partly even a storm. Somehow everything fit so well with the landscape.
In the evening, the four of us sat together for dinner. We talked about cooking. Alex, a Frenchman who speaks good German, told us about his cooking skills. He said his favorite thing to cook was “greasy rosette”. We all soon fell off our chairs laughing. I still have to cringe when I write this. What he meant was difficult recipes. How great the German language is

I was thinking about a conversation about faith, and especially how many other ways there are to be ignorant or intolerant. How it leads us to separate ourselves from other people and even worse, to put ourselves above them because we make ourselves know to be something better.
Here are a few examples. While running, I thought of a few more.
Nations – even in our advanced times it is still so important on which side of arbitrarily drawn borders we were born .-see Putin
Even with supposedly ever improving access to information, the truth seems to be more personal to everyone in their bubble than ever before.
Wealth – Through financial differences, a demarcation is forming between those up there and those down there. And the gap seems to be widening. As a result, there are always new areas that are made accessible to one only by the means available. E.g. education, network, thereby vitamin B ….
Soccer, age, infirmity. I think with a little imagination one could continue the lists infinitely however I leave it now simply times thereby
I see myself as one of many citizens of the earth and I always try to approach people openly and without prejudice. And yet I catch myself again and again to put someone in drawers, without knowing more about him, than just the external or the first impression that the person makes on me. I notice this especially when I am later taught better, and the person is completely different than I had first imagined him or her to be.
I strive to get rid of what I have been taught by society, friends and family. Only by questioning myself and others do I think I can slowly evolve to be more tolerant. I am grateful that I do not have to solve this alone, but the already mentioned above, family, friends and society, supports me in this.
Here I show you a few more examples of how the trails are.
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