Day 23 Marcadoiro
33,5 km (664,5) 8h
Today was another deliciously long day. And not having to walk any further, I took a room in a guesthouse. I started running today, as almost always, around 7:30. For me this is the best time. It is no longer dark and I can start the day together with the rising sun. This morning was extremely emotional. When you spend so much time with yourself and your thoughts, after now after all two weeks and over 400 kilometers of running, slowly come to rest, it happens that inner walls collapse.
I cried like a little baby. It came from really deep down. That’s a really good feeling that unfortunately doesn’t come over me enough in everyday life. I had been listening to music that we often listen to at home. Somehow it reminded me of how hard some things in life are for me and how little I sometimes appreciate such beautiful things as music or dancing together to the same in everyday life. I have the feeling that everything becomes natural for me with time.
Today I passed the mark for the last 100 km to Santiago. I can pack it thus temporally still further to Finisterre. I still have exactly seven days that I can use for running
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