Core Exercises
The “only real” reason for a well-trained abdomen is to support overall body stability, which makes it necessary for a straight posture. A flat belly is not the right motivation, as I have explained before. Since every muscle has its antagonist, it is essential to work out the lower back as well. The muscles around the waist are often referred to as the “core” or “core muscles”.
The following exercises are all done on the floor. Therefore, you should put a mat or a towel underneath to make the exercises more comfortable, and the mat will keep you from getting cold.
If you are not certain if your body is completely straight while exercising, ask somebody to check and correct your posture until you are doing it right yourself. Even I need to be corrected sometimes. A mirror next to you can also be an excellent aid.
Small muscles can do more repetitions with fewer breaks in between each set. I would suggest that you do one set of each of the exercise below and then start over with the first one. Go through all at least three times.
Crunches (abdomen)
Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor about one foot away from your bottom. Cross your arms on your chest or put your hands on the sides of your head. First, slowly roll up your upper body (shoulders) towards your feet. As soon as you can’t roll up any further, without lifting your lower back off the ground, hold the position for a second then lower yourself back down until your shoulders are just hovering over the ground. Repeat 15 to 20 times.
Don’t pause at the top of the movement.
Slow down while you go up and down. Hold the uppermost position longer.
Instead of rolling up straight, point one shoulder diagonally towards the opposite knee. After you are back at the starting position, alternate and point the other shoulder towards its opposite knee.
Air Cycling (abdomen)
This core exercise is just like riding an actual bike, but lying flat on your back. Lift your legs up so that your lower legs are parallel with the ground. Cross your arms on your chest or put your hands on the sides of your head. Now move your legs as if you were cycling in the air. Keep your legs moving for at least 20 seconds.
Decrease the time or point your legs upwards instead of parallel to the ground.
Hold your shoulders slightly above the ground while cycling. Stretch your legs further down and increase the speed.
Vary the direction of cycling between parallel to the ground and up in the air. Do this continuously up and down.
Alter the speed of your cycling.
Change the direction of cycling – as if you were cycling backwards.
Side plank (side abdominal muscles, obliques)
This exercise is executed sideways. Only the forearm and the outside of the foot are touching the ground. The shoulder that’s pointing downwards, your hip and your ankles make up one straight line. That’s it! 🙂 No movement, just keep this position for 30 seconds and then turn around on the other side and hold for another 30 seconds.
Hold the position longer.
Move the foot that is resting on your other leg up in a snow angel like movement. Keep in mind that your body still needs to form a straight line.
Plank (lower back, body tension)
Similar to the side plank, you do the same face down. Your elbows and toes are the only body parts that touch the ground. As before, the shoulders, hips and ankles form a straight line. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
I don’t think that there is a need to make it easier. 🙂
Rock back and forth a couple of centimeters without changing the position of your feet and arms.
Lift, alternatingly, one leg up from the ground. It is important that you don’t let your body twist while raising your legs.
Reverse leg raise / Superman lift (lower back)
Lie, face down, on the ground. Stretch your arms above your head. Lift your legs up towards the ceiling as far as you can. Your upper legs should at least slightly get off the ground. Repeat ten times.
Only raise one leg at the time.
Lift your arms at the same time as your legs (Superman lift).
Variation of Superman lift
Lift only one leg and the opposite arm and alternate between the two sides. Try not to rock to the left and right.
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